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FTTH council europe


Vi tycker det är bra att vara olik från andra. Att vara unik. Med vår erfarenhet som grund och med innovation som drivkraft så designar och tillverkar vi fiberblåsare av högsta kvalitet. Våra produkter är skapade av proffs för att användas av proffs. För oss handlar det om så mycket mer än att bara ta fram en produkt. Vi vill använda vår expertkunskap till att göra din arbetsdag som fiberblåsare enklare och mer effektiv. Att du ska få uppleva hur arbetet i kabeldiket kan bli lite mer annorlunda och betydligt bättre.

We design, manufacture, and produce fiber blowers of premium quality. Our products are reliable, fast, lightweight, robust, and easy to use. They are created by professionals for professionals. We want to challenge the industry and dare to be different. With the goal of making the workday for you as a fiber blower easier and more efficient.

Our company is based on equal parts innovation and experience. Jetting emerged in response to the market’s need for dependable and easy to use fiber blowing machines. Jetting emerged from a company with many years of experience from the industry, that was involved in both excavating, plowing, blowing and splicing fiber cable. Jetting saw what the fiber blowers needed and began to develop products that were lacking in the market. Innovative machines that met our and other fiber blowers’ high demands.

We are in control of the entire chain from design, manufacturing, assembly, support, and training. This means that we can guarantee the highest possible quality and durability all the way. We are meticulous and focused on the best possible design and function. All for our products to be the best and most professional solution for you as a fiber blower. To make your work in the cable trench a little more different and significantly better.

Jetting Machine Overview